July 22, 2014
Bracelets- borrowed from my mom
Rings- Hoorsenbuhs via LoveGold
Photos by Alejandra Ipince
These pictures were taken here in Peru. Spending these days on places I missed and taking the most out of it was all I needed.
I’ve always had this feeling that gold pieces are super unique so I mainly wear them for those special occasions that matter the most. Peruvian ancestors, the Incas, had literally a gold empire, so this precious metal is an essential part of our history. To be honest, when I lived here I used to wear gold with my bohemian ensembles – it had so much to do with the culture I was surrounded by… we even have a Gold museum! So, coming back “home” inspired me to grab some of my mom’s pieces and incorporate them to my outfits. This time, I wore an elegant outfit to go have dinner with my family and added some of my mother’s beautiful gold jewelry and some other wonderful pieces provided by Lovegold.
Estas fotos las tome en Peru. Pasar esta semana con mi familia y en lugares que extrañaba era lo que mas necesitaba 🙂
Siempre he tenido la sensacion de que las piezas de oro son super unicas y las uso mas que nada para esas ocasiones especiales. Los ancestros peruanos (los incas) tenian literalmente un imperio de oro y es por esto que es un metal muy importante en la cultura peruana. Para ser sincera, cuando vivia aca usaba muchas mas joyas doradas en mis looks mas bohemios, y tiene todo que ver con la inspiracion de la que estaba rodeada. Asi que regresar a “casa” me inspiro a coger algunas piezas de mi madre y incorporarlas a mis looks. Esta vez use un look mas elegante para ir a comer con mi familia todo negro con blanco y me parecio que accesorios dorados iban perfecto.