June 17, 2013
What Doesn’t Kill Us…
Snapback- Skinny Bitch Apparel
Dress- O – Mighty
Shoes- Y.R.U
Backpack- vintage/ similar here
Ive been wanting to wear this pinafore dress from Omighty for ages! The other day I found this cropped top (which was actually a classic longlseeve top that I cut myself) and thought it was perfect to wear underneath the dress. I planned to wear my creepers but then switched to these sneakers for a sporty vibe. Then added the snapback instead of my typical beanie to add some color to the look. I got it from Skinny Bitch Apparel. If you havent checked them yet I totally recommend you to head there and look at their cool printed tees ( Ain’t No Wifey, Commes des Fuckdown, Selfie, and more) and all their other crazy stuff. I’m officially obsessed. Definitely one of my favorite stores ^.^
Hace mucho tiempo que queria usar este vestidito de Omighty pero no sabia como. Felizmente el otro dia encontre este top cortado por mi (era un top manga larga y largo) y me parecio perfecto para usarlo debajo. Pensaba usar mis creepers pero luego decidi ir por estas zapatillas de plataforma para un look mas sporty. Al final le meti la gorra al look para darle mas color, en lugar del tipico beanie negro. La gorra es de Skinny Bitch Apparel… si no han visto esa tienda aun realmente les recomiendo darle una chequeada. Tienen los mejores t-shirts con prints (Ain’t No Wifey, Commes des Fuckdown, Selfie y otros mas) y tambien prendas bien divertidas. Oficialmente es una de mis tiendas favoritas ^_^