November 3, 2015

Cold Whites.


Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck Le Happy wearing Melissa shoes and striped turtleneck
Photos by Christina Shields

ELIZABETH AND JAMES Jacket (old season) – similar here (I also have this one and its amazing)
Staple the Label sweater – similar here and here
Boohoo disco leggings
Melissa Shoes

When in doubt, just throw on a monochrome outfit (literally my motto every day).  Its one of those outfits that I could live in for days, so simple yet cool because of the white shoes and shiny leggings. I’ve been living in my jeans as of lately so throwing on these disco leggings was a fresh way to change my look somehow, without the need of switching to shorts.

The make up is definitely different if you were wondering. After spending some days doing my make up for halloween with a make up artist & friend of mine, I learnt some tricks and techniques. Here I was wearing some fake lashes (because I finally learnt how to wear them! i always made a mess when I tried) and added a white line under my eyes to make them look bigger. I swear im obsessed with the look, seems more of a cartoon which is what I always strive for haha.  To be honest, I’m used to being told I wear too much make up sometimes (through instagram comments actually). I must say I really don’t care about that at all, I love make up and I will never stop just because i’m told to, I have so much fun changing my looks and thats what matters 🙂 its funny because some people talk about it as if I had no idea when in fact I’m more aware about it than anyone because clearly I’m the one that wears all that stuff.  What are your thoughts on this? are you ever told negative things about something and just ignore it? id love to hear you! have a lovely day people.


Una de las frases que mas uso es : cuando tengan dudas, simplemente vayan por un look monocromatico. Este es uno de esos looks en los que puedo vivir por dias, tan simple pero divertido por los zapatos blancos y las leggings un poco brillosas. He estado viviendo en jeans ultimamente asi que usar estas leggings fue una manera fresca de cambiar mi look sin la necesidad de ir por shorts con medias.

En fin, el maquillaje que uso es un toque distinto si se preguntan. Luego de pasar algunos dias con un maquillador antes de halloween, he aprendido algunos trucos y tecnicas que ahora estoy aplicando. Aqui me puse pestañas postizas (por que al final aprendi a ponermelas! siempre hacia un desastre jaja) y me hice una linea gruesa blanca debajo de los ojos para hacer que se vean un poco mas grandes. Les juro que amo el efecto que hace que es como de cartoon, basicamente el tipo de look que mas me gusta jaja. Para ser sincera estoy acostumbrada a que me digan que uso mucho maquillaje (sobretodo en los comentarios de instagram). Pero debo confesar que realmente me importa poco, amo el maquillaje y jamas dejare de usar la cantidad que me parece por que alguien mas me lo dice. Me divierto tanto cambiando mis looks que eso es lo que importa. Es chistoso por que muchos lo mencionan como si yo no tuviera idea cuando en realidad lo se muy bien por que yo soy la que se pone todo eso en la cara jaja. En fin, que opinan del tema? alguna vez les dicen algo negativo sobre su look y lo ignoran? o tienen problemas al respecto? me encantaria escuchar su opinion! que tengan un lindo dia 🙂

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