October 12, 2013
What I’ve been posting lately on instagram
All taken from my instagram
Its been a while since I didn’t do an Instagram update. I’ve been posting so much there its insane, I love that you can share whatever in a matter of seconds. Above you can see photos of casual outfits and some accessories I’ve been wearing lately. I’m seriously obsessed with rings and bracelets. Many ask what eyeliner I wear.. I used to wear any cheap drugstore eyeliner until I got this Stila one and man its so good. Honestly the best liquid eyeliner I’ve tried. You can follow me on instagram, luanna90 for more daily updates and to see where the pieces are from. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Hace tiempo que no hacia un Instagram update en el blog. Todas son fotos tomadas de mi celular y posteadas en mi instagram, la mayoria outfits casuales que he usado ultimamente. Como muchas preguntaron que delineador liquido uso, ahi tienen la respuesta. Usaba uno barato que me duraba muy poco pero cuando probe ese de Stila me volvi adicta, es demasiado bueno y la punta es perfecta para un delineado bien marcado. Pueden seguirme en instagram, luanna90 para mas updates diarios y ver de donde son las prendas que ven. Espero que esten teniendo un lindo fin de semana.