May 21, 2014



Good old classic outfit with a little twist.

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Tee- Vintage/ similar here
Blouse- Vintage
Sunnies- Vint and York
Jeans – River Island
Sandals – Sam Edelman

So I just realized I haven’t worn heels for a long while. Probably school and being so busy made me automatically go for flat shoes every time I went out. Well not technically “flat” shoes as I’m talking about my creepers and chunky boots, but you get the idea. These are very unusual for me. I honestly have no idea when was the last time I found myself wearing nude shoes. I’m glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and went for these. They look like the outsiders inside my closet next to all my black shoes. Also, I’ve been bidding a lot on ebay and getting vintage pieces like this t-shirt. Seriously I think its my new addiction. I’ve found a lot of pretty 90’s dresses I can’t wait to share.
Anyways guys, I have so much time now to dedicate to this little space. I need all the ideas you can give me to start planning some fun different posts 🙂 Have a lovely day.
Recien me doy cuenta que no usaba tacos hace mil años. La universidad y andar ocupada me obligaba a salir corriendo en zapatos chatos. Bueno no tecnicamente chatos, ya que hablo de mis creepers y botas con plataforma chunky, pero entienden la idea. Estas sandalias son tan inusuales para mi que las amo. El taco es perfecto y son bien bien comodas. Las quiero usar con looks completamente negros o jeans claritos a la cintura y un crop negro. Les cuento que he estado adicta a las subastas de eBay jaja. Ultimamente me he pedido mil cosas super baratas por que he necesitado cosas vintage y no he encontrado en mis tiendas locales y la verdad es que son cosas bellas. Ya les mostrare!
Ahora que tengo tiempo voy a planear posts asi que denme ideas para futuros looks o que les gustaria ver! Que tengan un lindo dia.

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