May 1, 2012
Show Us Your Sole Contest.
Chictopia and Solestruck , seriously my favorite online shoe store, have paired together to throw an amazing contest. They are asking Chictopia members to upload a photo of themselves wearing an outfit with their favorite pair of shoes and describing how they styled it and what their shoes say about their personality. I love creative contests. They will select three winners for three unreal prizes… up to $300 in Solestruck shoes seems legitimate., you will also get featured in both Solestruck and Chictopia blog. Click on the picture to go to the contest.
On another note, Im posting an outfit later today on the blog. I really like it a hell lot.. its literally one of my favorites. Keep checking back!
No se por que jamas escribo sobre concursos pero esta vez tenia que compartir este con ustedes! Solestruck, una de mis tiendas favoritas online con los mejores zapatos se ha aliado con Chictopia para un concurso donde los miembros de Chictopia solo tienen que postear un outfit con sus zapatos favoritos y describiendo por que lo son. Los premios son increibles, varios vouchers incluyendo uno de $300 para gastar en zapatos en Solestruck! Buena suerte! Hagan click en la imagen para ir al concurso.
En fin, por otro lado les comento que mas tarde posteare un look, asi que esten atentos. Para ser sincera creo que es uno de mis favoritos.