January 15, 2014


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Army green with black and white: best color palette for an outfit.

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Jacket- Choies
Hoodie- Beinhabited
Shorts – Coal n Terry
Creepers- T.U.K
Pretty much one of my most basic and classic looks. I always wear this parka with black and white graphics, it looks too good and is easy to put together. This day I walked for hours around Manhattan with my boyfriend and basically went to more decor stores than I have in my entire life. I’m probably addicted to home stuff now, do you have a favorite store? Wanna add more posters and cute little things to my bedroom. Anyways, I thought this day wouldn’t be THAT cold but the weather forecast was sort of wrong…wind was unbearable but at least the hoodie of the parka was quite helpful.
Este es mi tipico outfit clasico y comodo de siempre. La mayoria de las veces combino esta parka con graficos en blanco y negro, es facil de armar y casi siempre se ve bien. Este dia camine por horas en Manhattan con mi chico y basicamente fui a mas tiendas de cosas para la casa/decoracion que en toda mi vida. Creo que soy adicta ahora.. tienen una tienda favorita? quiero mas posters y cosas bonitas para mi cuarto. En fin, este dia se suponia que no haria mucho frio pero aparentemente el pronostico estaba mal.. hacia tanto viento que termine usando la capucha.

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