January 17, 2014


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Vintage biker jackets and old fedoras.

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Jacket- Vintage
Collar sweater – Choies
Pants- Articles of Society
Shoes –TUK

All black in a different silhouette. I dont wear this jacket too often because of the wide shape and big shoulders but this outfit called for it. The sweater is cute as hell, the texture is fluffy and the collar attached looks very schoolgirl inspired but I toned it down with the oversized biker and black pants. Man, how I love boy dressing. Its friday and I’m excited for the weekend. Also, so many looks to share now, literally want to post them all together. Have a good one!


Mismo negro de siempre, silueta distinta. No uso esta casaca muy seguido por la forma ancha y los hombros grandes pero este look la pedia a gritos. El sweater es super dulce.. el cuello y la textura como de lana crespa lo hacen ver como de uniforme escolar asi que le baje el tono con la casaca y pantalones negros. Me encanta usar looks con siluetas masculinas. Que tengan un buen fin de semana!

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