January 20, 2014


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Took these leopard velvet pants out after a million years.

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Tee-  Full Breach
Jacket- Amarcord Vintage
Pants- Evil Twin/ Similar

I’ve had these pants for ages, and suprisingly this is the third time I wear them. They’re very eye-catching so back then I felt I was overwearing them.. the other day I took them out again and realized they’re totally versatile and theres many other ways to pair them. I’m thinking of oversized knits and a biker jacket, or a white button up blouse and a black coat. This time I went for a classic look of mine, matched them with this new The Cramps t-shirt from Full Breach (they got thousands of good old band tees) and this new biker which is actually vintage from Amarcord. Comfortable yet not plain look.
Anyways, hope you had a lovely weekend, I myself thrifted a lot and enjoyed lazy days with my boyfriend.
He tenido este pantalon de leopardo hace mucho tiempo pero creo que esta es la tercera vez que los uso. Son tan llamativos que senti que los estaba usando mucho cuando los compre.. el otro dia los use de nuevo (despues de 2 años) y me di cuenta que son mas versatiles de lo que creia. Los voy a combinar con sweaters oversized y con una casaca de cuero encima, o una blusa blanca y un abrigo negro largo.. la lista continua. Esta vez fui por un look mas tipico mio, polo de The Cramps de Full Breach (tienen mil polos de banda buenasos) y una casaca vintage de Amarcord. Comodo pero no tan simple. Espero que hayan tenido un lindo fin de semana.

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