December 27, 2012
Tan Camera Part I
Just a few days before getting into my plane to Peru, I got together with the lovely Kimi Selfridge from Tan Camera and we walked around our area in Brooklyn to take some pictures. We played with some stuff from my wardrobe and she came up with great looks and took these amazing pictures. She is beyond incredible and I love how these turned out. I was wearing an amazing fringed cape from Saltwater Gypsy, a vintage furry top from Heavy Metal Boyfriend, a vintage skirt and a hat from River Island. The necklace is from Kelly Mc Allister, my favorite online jewelry store.
I have more to come from the shoot we did so keep tuned! Also, I’ve been thrifting so much lately and can’t wait to show you what I got! Loads of plaid, floral print and velvet involved! Hope you are all having a great week and that you had a lovely christmas.
Justo un par de dias antes de subirme al avion y venir a Lima, me junte con Kimi Selfridge de Tan Camera y caminamos por nuestra area en Brooklyn para tomar fotos. Hicimos varios looks y estas son algunas fotos que salieron. Esta chica es increible y su trabajo nunca me ha dejado de sorprender. Estaba usando una capa con flecos de Saltwater Gypsy, un top vintage de un material bello como peludo de Heavy Metal Boyfriend, una falda de segunda, un sombrero de River Island. El collar de cruces es de Kelly Mc Allister, mi tienda favorita de joyas.
En fin, hay mas fotos de este dia que estare posteando! Tambien he estado consiguiendo varias cositas de segunda que muero por mostrarles, varias prendas con prints floreados, prints de cuadros y terciopelo. Espero que esten teniendo una linda semana y que la hayan pasado super bien en navidad.