March 9, 2013
The Penny Jumper.
Tee- Kill City x Number A
Denim overalls/ “The Penny Jumper” – UNIF via Miss Kl
Jeffrey Campbell cut out booties- Miss Kl
Beanie – River Island
Very back to school look! The denim shade along with the beanie makes this outfit look less dark than my usual looks. I am in love with UNIFs latest pieces, I don’t know how they manage to always create rad stuff and improve themselves. I’m always like this is the best they’ve done ever, and then their next collection kills the last one. Also, finally got a different beanie! I never thought I would wear a grey one to be honest but some outfits look better with a light shaded hat. And beanies are much needed right now.. it has been snowing and raining, not to mention cold as heck, and they definitely help me go through the day without freezing.. well, also go through bad hair days. By the way I was obviosuly wearing something on top (black blazer) but wanted to show you the dungarees/shorts without covering them.
I have another little video to be shared soon so keep tuned. Hope you enjoy your saturday and thanks for your comments!
Este es un look bien “de vuelta a clases”. El tono de denim y el beanie gris hacen que el conjunto sea un poco mas suave (tonos mas claros) que los looks de siempre . Estoy obsesionada con las ultimas prendas de UNIF, no se como hacen para crear cosas tan bellas superarse a si mismos con cada nueva coleccion y por eso es una de mis marcas favoritas. Tambien, como veran consegui un beanie diferente! En realidad jamas pense que usaria uno gris pero algunos looks quedan mejor con un gorro de tono claro asi que consegui este. Ultimamente he usado bastantes sombreros por que ha estado lloviendo y nevando muchisimo y me ayudan con el frio. Estaba usando un abrigo pero queria mostrarles el overol asi que me lo quite para las fotos.
En fin, pronto posteare otro video!! que tengan un lindo sabado, gracias por sus comentarios!