August 30, 2016

Touch of Silver

Le Happy wearing The Mighty Company jacket and Harley Davidson tee
Le Happy wearing The Mighty Company jacket and Harley Davidson tee
Le Happy wearing The Mighty Company jacket and Harley Davidson tee
Le Happy wearing The Mighty Company jacket and Harley Davidson tee
Le Happy wearing The Mighty Company jacket and black beanie
Le Happy wearing Harley Davidson tee
Le Happy wearing studded black shorts
Le Happy wearing The Mighty Company jacket and Harley Davidson tee
Le Happy wearing The Mighty Company jacket and Harley Davidson tee388A0686 copys-2
Le Happy wearing The Mighty Company jacket and Harley Davidson tee
Le Happy wearing The Mighty Company jacket and Harley Davidson tee
Jacket – The Mighty Company
Shorts and tee- vintage
Fall is around the corner and I couldn’t be more happy. I love summer, but lets face it, its way more fun when you can match more than two pieces together and not die outside in the oven that is New York. I’ve been getting ready for colder weather in terms of clothing and this jacket is basically going to be one of the main stars this upcoming season. Although i’m not a massive fan of fringe, I can make an exception when it comes in my favorite type of piece: a biker jacket….with studs. I honestly can’t get over the buttery texture of this one and how cool it looks paired with all black. Since it was a very typical look of mine (like the old days) we decided to shoot this in our fire escape. Do you guys remember when I used to shoot there all the time?
El otoƱo ya casi llega y no puedo estar mas feliz. Me encanta el verano, pero definitivamente es mas divertido cuando puedes combinar mas de dos prendas juntas y no morir en el intento cuando sales a la calle… Nueva York se convierte en un horno en vida. En fin, he estado preparandome para el clima mas frio con algunas prendas y esta casaca va a ser basicamente una de las estrellas esta temporada. No pude aguantarme y me la tuve que poner! No soy fan de los flecos pero puedo hacer una excepcion cuando viene en mi prenda favorita: una biker con tachas. La verdad es que estoy enamorada. La textura es super suave y me encanta como queda con todo negro. De hecho hay mas maneras de combinarla asi que diganme si les gustaria ver! Como veran es un look bien tipico mio como los antiguos asi que nos provoco tomar en nuestro balcon, se acuerdan de esos looks que hacia siempre en este lugar?

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