May 9, 2017
Tee – vintage
Pants – H&M / similar here
Belt – The Lair
Bag – vintage
Boots – Phillip Lim via Net- A-PORTER
Sunglasses – here
You might know that there’s never enough vintage in my life by now. I would say my wardrobe is mainly built of vintage- one- of- a- kind unique pieces. About 65% of my closet has history behind and the rest is slowly turning to good quality pieces… new investment items to be more specific. This outfit is basically the representation of my wardrobe at the moment… vintage bag that my aunt gifted to me, vintage Chanel tee that I scored at a tiny thrift store in New York, a pair of affordable pants, and some killer booties that were so worth the investment… shoes are meant to last and not hurt your feet and honestly I’ve noticed a difference when I wear a good pair of shoes!
Anyways, I hope you guys liked this look. Its a very easy to put together outfit, those that you throw on when you’re rushing out the door and want to wear something “put together”. Just throw some printed b&w pants (striped would’ve worked too!) and a graphic tee and you’re good to go.
Si me conocen bien ya saben que jamas habran suficientes prendas vintage en mi closetj jeje. Creo que mi ropero esta compuesto mayormente de prendas unicas de segunda mano (diria que el 65%) y el resto se esta convirtiendo en prendas de calidad en las que invierto un poco mas. Incluso, si lo pienso bien, este outfit podria basicamente representar mi closet. Un bolso vintage que me regalo mi tia hace mucho tiempo, un tshirt vintage de Chanel que encontre en una tienda vintage chiquita en NYC, un par de pantalones super accesibles de h&m y unas botas de calidad y que valieron demasiado la pena invertir en! Que increible la diferencia que hace un par de zapatos de calidad en los pies… es muy importante pensar a largo plazo.
En fin, espero que les guste este look. Es muy facil de armar ya que solo es cuestion de combinar un pantalon blanco y negro (rayas tambien queda super bien) con un top con estampado amarrado atras para que sea crop.
In love with this fantastic tee!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Those shoes!
Where is the metal ring on your belt from?
Absolutely love it!
Mireia from TGTL
This outfit is gorgeous! ❤
I love the pants! I was just thinking of adding some vintage to my closet.
Sabes donde podemoa encontrar un bolso parecido?
Cool outfit, those pants are great.
so cool, babe!
Shall We Sasa
Vintage designer pieces are the best! I love these pants too!
Beautiful outfit! I’m in love <3
La camiseta es ideal!!
Parece ser que los botines han vuelto para quedarse, me parece que la camiseta es todo un acierto y un buen punto arreglado pero informal el de los pantalones.
Great post
The Pink Pineapple
New post:
I love outfit.
love this look Lua! I’m looking into doing some more shopping at Thrifts bc they are one of a kind pieces and nobody else can get them. Which thrift in the city did you go to?
Love this outfit! Vintage chanel is the best <3
Kinga xx
You’re on top as always!
Such a beautiful & cool look. Loving the casual tee with some trousers!
Hayley xx
Loving the all vintage vibe! This look is a staple for your style.
You hair is SO cool! X, – C.
Your hair color, outfit, and dressing style is too good. All of your pictures are very attractive.
I love this t-shirt! 🙂