September 15, 2014

We are just a fraction.

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Tee- We Are Cow / similar here
Blouse – Collective Habit
Leggings – ASOS
Creepers – T.U.K
Bag – similar here

Being able to finally wear leggings again has got me excited for what I’ll wear this season. I was starting to get anxious because I have so many vintage pieces I want to show you. Finally outfits will be completely me… I feel summer is more about that “cool” item and not much about getting creative. I love being able to add contrast with tights or wear extra layers and thick textures.  Anyways, this look is very casual and for any regular day of classes. Added a white blouse as layer and saddle bag. I love wearing a brown bag with black and white ensembles, its the extra color that makes the outfit more earthy. The leaves definitely helped to give that fall vibe … Im obsessed with autumn scenery and literally cannot wait for hot days to be over.
I still have to share my experience with Fashion Week so stay tuned for a couple posts.  Super fun backstage footage too.
Poder usar leggings de nuevo ya me ha emocionado para lo que me voy a poner esta temporada. Ya me estaba poniendo ansiosa por que tengo muchas prendas vintage que quiero mostrarles. Al fin mis looks van a ser un poco mas yo.. siento que el verano es sobre “esa” prenda bonita y no da mucho espacio a la creatividad. Me encanta poder dar contraste con medias y usar capas y texturas. En fin, este look es bien casual para cualquier dia de clases. Me puse una cartera marron (se llama saddle bag, como bolsa de jinete) para darle un toque calido. Las hojas de hecho ayudaron en las fotos. Amo como se ponen las calles en otoño!
En fin todavia tengo un par de posts que compartir de Fashion week, tengo algunas fotos backstage super divertidas.

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