April 22, 2013

White Mafia.

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Leggings- White Mafia by Black MilkĀ 
T-shirt- Twice Lux
Boots- Similar here
Parka- Old/ similar here
Beanie- Asos
I’ve been seeing stripes a LOT lately…on other blogs, photos around the internet as well as on the streets. I thought I was getting sick of them but apparently I caught the fever too. But theres nothing to hate about them. They look great paired with black and white graphic tees, denim, parkas or simply black. I tried the stripes trend a bit differently here: white leggings with very thin stripes that look almost like drawn with a ruler and a pen (reminds me of my school scrapbooks) and man I absolutely love them. I also wore them with my docs which looked quite nice too, you can see the picture below taken from my instagram. I thought I was over leggings but this outfit made me change my mind again, might wear leggings more often but pair them with neutral colors, specially black and white.
Anyways, it’s monday and I hate it.. specially cause I’m feeling bloody sick and tired. Its kinda cold again and all I want to do is crawl back into bed and sleep for hours. Classes are gonna be so fun today. Hope you have a wonderful day though, be good!
He estado viendo rayas por todos lados.. en otros blogs, fotos en internet y en las calles. Pense que me hartaria de ellas pero aparentemente la obsesion me agarro a mi tambien! Pero no hay nada que odiar de la tendencia, me encanta como se ven con blanco y negro, jean o una parka verde. En este look las rayas son un poco distintas, parecen dibujadas a mano con lapicero y regla, me recuerda a mis cuadernos del colegio. Tambien quedan bien con mis docs, pueden ver una foto abajo que postie en mi instagram. Pense que no volveria a usar leggings en un buen tiempo pero luego de usar este look cambie de parecer! probablemente vuelva a usarlas pero con colores neutros como blanco y negro.
En fin es lunes y no me gusta la idea.. sobretodo por que me siento medio mal y super cansada. Solo quiero dormir de nuevo y tengo clases toda la tarde. Genial. Espero que tengan un lindo dia ustedes!
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from my instagram: luanna90

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