July 5, 2012
collapsing stars.
Hawaiian Shirt– Wilma+ WinstonShorts- One TeaspoonFluffy Jumper- Vintage from ShoppaluT-shirt- second hand (cousins)Beanie- Camote SoupSunglasses- 80s PurpleLast picture was actually the first picture taken. I really love how this beanie/beret looks with a little braid it looks more bohemian and takes away that french look which is for more classy outfits. Its from Camote Soup, an amazing peruvian brand with really cool items. I was getting sick already of my other huge beanie so this one was perfect to alternate a bit. Ahh Ive been wanting little gemstones and finally found some for a really cheap price over here, I just love how delicate it looks. Anyways Im going to help my mum do some grocery shopping and then I will probably see some friends! hope you’re having a lovely week. *La ultima foto en realidad fue la primera que tome del look. Me encanta como queda este beanie/boina con una trenza, le da un toque mas bohemio y menos frances al look. Es de Camote Soup.. es increible esa marca. Me gustan muchisimo las prendas que tienen! Chequeenla aca. El beanie/beret es algo que justamente necesitaba para alternar un poco el otro que siempre uso! Ah y la piedrita.. he estado buscando esas piedritas y al fin encontre unas baratas en el mercado central. Me gusta como le da un toque mas delicado al look.en fin me voy a acompañar a mi madre a hacer compras y seguro voy a ver a algunas amigas mas tarde. Espero que esten teniendo una linda semana.