
The Big Jump

October 27, 2010

Just came from the movies. If you havent seen The Town yet then go right now. They just released it here. I’m in love with Jeremy Renner, he was so good. I liked Ben Affleck too (he was a brilliant director) but I found him a bit boring next to Jeremys character.
This is what I wore today. Took the pictures on the afternoon. Im wearing 1950s inspired bandanas lately, love the pinup vibe they give to the style. The leather jacket is from F21,

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But that’s alright because I love the way you lie

October 21, 2010

This week has been the busiest of all these past ones. I even missed some classes to do a couple of extra jobs (been host of a conference and helped on a photoshoot which Ill show you soon).
Right now i have to run to the official job I have. Took these couple of pictures some minutes ago with my recently charged camera. It was out of batteries the past week, so thats why I havent post anything.

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Can you go another round?

October 15, 2010

Hello there,
My hair is orange finally. If you knew all the journey I had to take to get my hair to this point. It may look dumb writing a post about my hair, but man.. I need to share this goddam situation. I wanted my hair more orange as it was getting blonde. I dont know why, as my original hair colour is brown with a reddish shade. Anyways, I went to a beauty supply store and trusted the lady on the counter.

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October 13, 2010

Thank you so much mates for the lovely birthday greetings, i much appreciate your comments.
Been from here to there. Just came from helping my sister decide how her prepre prom dress is going to be. Here in Peru theres the tradition to have a prom two years before the real one, and then one year before (pre prom). Is that normal on other countries? Just curious.
Right now im having a break with a delicious bold coffee waiting for a friend to come.

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20 years

October 8, 2010

Yep, today is my birthday. It feels quite sad removing the “teen” from my age. Some friends are coming home to hang out with some drinks. Ive bought a hell lot of nachos, im not kidding my house is flooded with those delicious chips which I plan to devour tonight.
I wore this the other day. Just a casual outfit. The tee was completely white. Its one of those tees I transfered with my cousin.

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yours to keep

October 4, 2010

I’m studying like a maniac right now. My exams start tomorrow, but I will be done by thursday. I’m a bit sleepy but I’m enjoying reading about mystical ecstasies, spiritual beauty, and all that stuff that poetry manages to express with words. Today I went to vote (Peru’s regional elections). I had to wait in a long line for about an hour to get in the cabin and draw a simple cross. Waiting kills me. I need to work a hell lot on being tolerant and patient.
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The Crane Wife

October 1, 2010

My boyfriend is taking some photography classes in college and has been taken a lot of pictures with an old Nikon. He had to take a picture of someone running, you can imagine how stupid I looked running towards him more than 10 times in the middle of the street. He gave me these other two. I took a picture of them as my scanner is crappy right now.

I wanted to ask you,

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november 2009

September 27, 2010

I have being posting very little these days. I apologize and thank all of you for stucking up with me.
As I havent had time to take pictures of the recent stuff ive been wearing im posting some pictures from last year, back in the days I didnt blog
I was wearing mostly vintage, the huge skirt, floral  dress, striped top, denim jacket, blazer etc. Excuse the extra contrast on the pictures, I was stupidly obsessed with it.

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September 24, 2010

Ive created a tumblr this afternoon. Its kind of a place with all the things that catch my attention. Actually its much better than saving all the pictures I like on my computer and filling it with visually stimulating crap. Having so little space in my computer kills me.. So, visit and check what I dig.


The boots are here. hurrayyyy I have sore eyes for staring too long at them,

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Alabaster lover

September 21, 2010

I swear Ive been thinking about posting here during these days but time didnt help. Ive been bloody busy going from one place to another. Here are some pictures I took during these days.  Just been drawing a lot during classes, played with my plush toy/friend, been working, reading, writting and of course spending time with my boyfriend. On the first pictures I was wearing an old pair of bleached pants I bought on target two years ago.
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